kepada Peminat Novel Cinta ..

Kenapa ramai remaja dan belia meminati novel cinta ? Salah satu daripada buku yang selalu (top) di pinjam di perpustakaan ....
 1. Bagi murid (Nabilah) , kerana cinta itu memang sebati dalam hidup kita .... Cinta terhadap Tuhan , terhadap alam sekitar dan lain2 .... [bergantung pada sesebuah buku]
 2. Bagi guru (Pn Noor Haslinda) ,  sebenarnya bila manusia sama sedang belajar atau bekerja , menghadapi tekanan jadi novel cinta merupakan salah satu solusi atau penyelesaian bagi tekanan tersebut kerana bahan bacaan tersebut merupakan bahan yang ringan , menghiburkan , sebuah realiti kehidupan .... Dan bermaklumat .

Tetapi perhatikan fakta ini:
80% buku berada di pasaran dunia adalah buku fiksyen
80% buku fiksyen dibaca oleh perempuan

Tidak hairan novel cinta terhangat di pasaran !!!!!!!!!!!

Infonet (Nabilah) Fav's book

Most of my books are in English... I also have the full series of Twilight ...
Lately , I addicted to Poison Apple Book by Scholastic Inc. ... Even though , it is too expensive ... I always reduced my expenditure (perbelanjaan ) monthly .... to bought the books ..
I have only #1-#4 ...They have the latest #5-#7 .... But I can't find it ...

If any of you , can find it ... PM me at

This is the end of my fav's book ....
Thanks from INFOnet (Nabilah)

FuN FaCTs AbouT BooKS !!!

1. One out of every eight letters you read is the letter ‘e’.
2. There have been over 20,000 books written about the game of Chess.
3. Perhaps the most uninteresting book ever written is the calculation of pi to two million places, in 800 pages. Just think of the TV special that could be made from this script.
4. If you stretched out all the shelves in the New York Public Library, they would extend eighty miles. The books most often requested at this library are about drugs, witchcraft, astrology and Shakespeare.
5. Interestingly, William Shakespeare invented the word "hurry."
6. The following words were invented by William Shakespeare: boredom disgraceful hostile money's worth obscene puke perplex on purpose shooting star sneak Until his time, people had to have their conversations without these words.
7. In America, we buy 57 books per second. It would take a shelf 78 miles long to hold all of one day's books.
8. Leo Tolstoy wrote a large book called War and Peace before computers and copying machines. His wife had to copy his manuscript by hand seven times.
9. Americans buy approximately five million books a day. 125 new titles are published every day.
10. The first published book ever written on a typewriter was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain used a Remington in 1875.
11. It took Noah Webster 36 years to write his first dictionary.
12. Jonathan Swift wrote a classic book called Gulliver's Travels that borders on science fiction. It was written before science fiction was what you called such books. In this book he wrote about two moons circling Mars. He described their size and speed of orbit. He did this one hundred years before they were described by astronomers.
13. The man who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories, A. Conan Doyle, was a professional ophthalmologist, an eye doctor. Because in his time specialty medical practices were hard to build and didn't pay well, he had to take up writing to make ends meet.
14. Charles Dickens had to be facing north before he could write a word.

Just for some fun .... Hope It Will Make You Happy !!
From Infonet Nabilah <3

Rujukan Pendidikan untuk Masa Depan

Banyak buku rujukan yang dijual di kedai buku pilihan anda seperti Kedai Buku Popular , dan laman web yang menyediakan kertas latihan , nota pendek dan pengajaran secara online ....

Saya (Nabilah) akan menyediakan pelbagai maklumat mengenai laman web dan jenama buku terkemuka di M'sia ,

This are some link for your future ..... I recommend the ...

<3 Infonet Nabilah <3

En.Razali Bin Ali: "PSS sememangnya Penjana Ilmu Pendidikan Kontemperori "

Hi kawan-kawan!
Kami, infonet krew, telah menemu bual pengetua sekolah kami, En.Razali bin Ali 
pada 30 Jun lepas tentang topik yang menekankan ...
" PSS- penjana ilmu pendidikan knotemperori "

Terlebih dahulu, kami ingin mengucapkan 'Thank You' kepada tuan pengetua kerana sudi ditemu bual.
Sila tonton video temu bual ini di bawah. Enjoy ya :)

Video Ciptaan Pelajar !!!!

Syaheera Yasmin , Noor Nabilah , Maryam Sofia dan Faridah telah memasuki Pertandingan Kreatif Sains dan Matematik anjuran ITNM (Institut Teerjemahan Malaysia) ....

Ini video mereka ...

Video ini mungkin mempunyai banyak kelemahan kerana 2 minggu je , kami dapat siapkan  video ini dengan skrip dia ..... lepas tu , kene hantar sebab dah dateline ..
Video ini mengenai salah faham fakta yang dipelajari oleh semua penduduk dunia mengenai peredaran dan putaran bulan .....

*Saya mewakili kumpulan saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih menonton video ini , segala kesalahan fakta amat dikesali*
FYI ; suara chipmunk tu suara saya tetapi telah diubah supaya lebih menarik

<3 From Infonet , Nabilah <3

Syarikat Penerbitan ....

Kepada sesiapa yang menyukai atau bahasa kasarnya , addicted to Novel Cinta ....
pasti mempunyai syarikat penerbitan buku yang disukai ...

Ini antara syarikat penerbitan buku yang mempunyai best - seller di M'sia , 

            >TOP 10 Novel
Hingga Ke Akhirnya
Akhir Sebuah Cinta
Andai Itu Takdirnya
Cinta Kau dan Aku
Berikan Aku Rindu
Tajdid Rindumu

Ini antara syarikat penerbitan yang menjual top 10 novel cinta        
<3 from Infonet <3

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